girls-accessory-jewellery: 5.000.$ House and Motor Cycle <girls-accessory-jewellery></girls-accessory-jewellery>


Saturday, December 15, 2007

5.000.$ House and Motor Cycle

5.000.$ house & motor cycle, how can you make it?

This is my news :

I give my employee 5.000.$ and I tell him to buy 200 meter square land, about 500.$.
And I give him vacancy about 30 day's. In that 30 day's he can build 100 meter square house with 3.300.$.
And the rest of 1.200.$. he can use for buy a new motor cycle.
In our culture they have custom, if some one build a house, than their family and neighbor come to help with free, he only need to prepared food, cigarette, and drink/coffee for them.

ha...ha...ha... you can try, and believe.

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