girls-accessory-jewellery: Pick The Bones <girls-accessory-jewellery></girls-accessory-jewellery>


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pick The Bones

At every Economy Crisis, there always have somebody sell their asset. Some company it's broke, and the employee lose their job. So not just the company lose their asset, some time's their employee also lose their home, car, apartment, etc. Than show up a company like Leadpipecapitalism , they take care of this mess. It's mean they take care and sell the asset from the broken one. And some people call what they do is, "Pick The Bones" from people miscalculations.
This the press release:

There is an extraordinary opportunity right now to capitalize on the real estate meltdown.

Recent events show that banks are finally gettting desperate enough to make deals on REO packages for less than 50 cents on the dollar.

HomeVultures is looking for partners who want to aggressively pursue this opportunity.

We are based in the center of the meltdown, South Florida.

Call Kevin for more details and a business plan at 954-624-5570.
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